I am Kavita,
your nutritionist

“The Groundwork of all Happiness is Health“ Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health.

Nutrition strategies

Nutrition Strategies Initiatives to increase access to healthier foods and beverages in retail venues.

With all our 4-week plans, you will:

* Eat 6 times a day, every day!
* Enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables.
* Lose 1kg per week on average.


Perfectly balanced to put your body in fat-burning mode High in protein and fiber

Astrology and health

Health is wealth. Without a sound health, we can not have a sound mind. In astrological science, there are certain planets that can cause health problems. If health is not improving in spite of regular checkups and medicines, then an astrological consultation can do well in such circumstances. You are most welcome to ask one question which is causing physical and mental ill health to you ,I would be happy to resolve it through by astrological expertise

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Weight loss

Weight Loss

If you’re overweight, losing weight and reaching your ideal

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Weight Gain

Although being lean can often be healthy, being underweight

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Inch Loss

Several medical studies note the importance of losing

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The food that you eat can either provide healthy fibers

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Parul Bhargava – CEO V commission

Weigh loss has boost my confidence at next level…Its a great feeling to be fit.

Radhika Bhargava – House wife

Despite of my thyroid condition, I have lost my pregnancy weight…i love myself more.

Rosy Arya

It seems I am living a whole new life after weight loss…I feel more young

Anita Bhatia- Gym owner

Its always a dream for me to be fit….its true now

The Truth About Coconut Water


Coconut water is becoming a popular drink now a days. Coconut water is packed with nutrients like potassium , sodium, magnesium and calcium. It is less in calories and low in fat.

Coconut water is less in sugar and has good amount of electrolytes which proves to be a super hydrating drink. If you are into sports or any kind of exercise, it will definitely boost up your energy and keep you away from cramping symptoms

Coconut water contains cytokines – that are small proteins which work with cell signaling. Having said that, coconut water has an anti ageing property. If you drink a glass of coconut water on daily basis, you can get rid of age spots, wrinkles and sagging of skin.

Sunstroke leads to dehydration which makes you feel weak and nauseatic. This magic drink aka nariyal pani plays an important role in balancing the electrolytes and will help in a speedy recovery from sunstroke.

Excessive alcohol intake makes you dehydrated due to which you get hangover. To recover from the hangover and to refill the electrolytes, the best remedy is to drink fresh coconut water.

It increases the output of urine and removes all the toxins of the body. You can even drink it empty stomach in the morning, to experience the maximum benefits. It even gives relief to women who suffer from UTI (Urinary tract infections), bloating problems and kidney stones.

Coconut water – a natural diuretic, is a good remedy for infants who are having intestinal worms.

Coconut water is rich in potassium, potassium helps balance out the level of sodium in your blood and keeps your body functioning properly.

Drinking coconut water reduces plaque formation and boost up blood circulation throughout the body.
But as said by experts excess of everything is bad so excessive intake of coconut water could raise your bad cholesterol levels. So have in regulated amounts.









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